Novinkdy a důležité info:
General info::
DDR forum
největší české forum nejen o DDR czech forum not only about DDR (with english thread)
stránky o všech možných tanečních hrách multilanguage page about dancing games
fotografie z našich akcí a srazů photos from our meetings and conventions
pokud hledáte nějaké písničky do Stepmanie sim-files link for Stepmania's songs
Czech DDR CD
ukázka propagačního CD týmu Czech DDR preview of propagation CD of Czech DDR team
Softpad / Hardpad
pokud hledáte, stavíte, potřebujete info for builders and buyers
pár videí zejména z DDR a 3DDX some videos from DDR and 3DDX *under (little)construction*
návody na trénování suggestions for treining
[Begginer ::
Light ::
Medium ::
Hard ::
Challenge ]
Srazy DDR / 3DDX:
O plánovaných, probíhajících i starých DDR srazech se dozvíte [zde], tak neváhejte a stavte se. Budeme jen rádi a nevadí nám hráč na jekékoliv úrovni.
Nové stránky se nachazí na: ddr.pocitac.com (4. verze - 2009)
Starší stránky: DDR Portal ^1, DDR Portal ^2
DDR Forum stále funguje.
Tato stránka je zde už jen z historických důvodů. Byla v první dvojici stránek na českém internetu o DDR. Nejnovější a aktualizovanou verzi najdete na:
StepMania :: ovladani |
Napsáno: 12.11.2007 00.00 poslední aktualizace: 04.08.2024 16.58 počet návštěv: [8150] poslední návštěva: 2025-02-10 08:05:09 |
Use the "Config Key/Joy" option from the Title Menu to configure your keyboard, dance pad, or other game controller. This menu allows you to map up to 2 keyboard/joystick buttons to each function in the game. The third column is the default key mapping, and cannot be changed. However, you can override a default keyboard key by simply assigning it to another function. The mappings for player 1 are on the left half of the screen, and the mapping for player 2 are on right half.
The following is a list of special keys:
Any time: * F1 = insert coin for player 1 * F2 = insert coin for player 2 * Alt-Enter or F4 = toggle fullscreen * F5 = take screenshot (saves to program directory as "screenNNNN.bmp") * Hold Tab = increase game speed 4x (useful for moving through menus quickly) * Hold Tilde (~) = decrease game speed to 1/4x
In menus: * Arrow keys navigate menus * Enter = Start * Escape = Back
In any attract screen: * Left or Right = next attract screen * F3 = toggle CoinMode
In title menu: * Escape = return to attract sequence
In gameplay: * F6 = toggle AutoSync mode * F7 = toggle assist tick * F8 = toggle AutoPlay * F9 = decrease offset * F10 = increase offset * F11 = decrease BPM of current segment (hold ALT for small increments) * F12 = increase BPM of current segment (hold ALT for small increments) * Hold Escape = abort playing
In editor: * Escape = menu * Up/Down = prev/next line * Left/Right = change snap * 1 through 0 = add/remove note * Enter - Set selection begin marker * Space - Set selection end marker * P - Play back current selection (if no selection, play whole song) * R - Record over current selection (if no selection, record whole song)
In the music select screen: * F9 = Toggle title translations
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