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stránky o všech možných tanečních hrách multilanguage page about dancing games
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pokud hledáte nějaké písničky do Stepmanie sim-files link for Stepmania's songs
Czech DDR CD
ukázka propagačního CD týmu Czech DDR preview of propagation CD of Czech DDR team
Softpad / Hardpad
pokud hledáte, stavíte, potřebujete info for builders and buyers
pár videí zejména z DDR a 3DDX some videos from DDR and 3DDX *under (little)construction*
návody na trénování suggestions for treining
[Begginer ::
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Challenge ]
Srazy DDR / 3DDX:
O plánovaných, probíhajících i starých DDR srazech se dozvíte [zde], tak neváhejte a stavte se. Budeme jen rádi a nevadí nám hráč na jekékoliv úrovni.
Nové stránky se nachazí na: ddr.pocitac.com (4. verze - 2009)
Starší stránky: DDR Portal ^1, DDR Portal ^2
DDR Forum stále funguje.
Tato stránka je zde už jen z historických důvodů. Byla v první dvojici stránek na českém internetu o DDR. Nejnovější a aktualizovanou verzi najdete na:
Anglické texty :: Unlock_codes |
Napsáno: 12.11.2007 00.00 poslední aktualizace: 04.08.2024 16.58 počet návštěv: [6954] poslední návštěva: 2024-09-14 18:40:44 |
Unlock codes & procedures for DDR Machines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4/24/03: Added DDR Extreme 1-30 code --------------------------------------
I've been receiving e-mails/IM's about this over the past few months, so in the name of efficiency, let's create a sticky.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Open the cabinet, and put the machine into TEST MODE. 2. (7th/8th Mix Machines only) Select "GAME OPTIONS" to enter the game options screen. 3. (7th Mix Machines only) Select "CLEAR MACHINE POINT" in order to clear the list of items unlocked. When asked for confirmation, select "YES". 4. (7th Mix Machines only) Select "EXIT" to exit the game options screen. You'll be back in the test mode screen. 5. Place the cursor on "GAME OPTIONS" but do not press the Start button yet. 6. Have someone step on and hold the 1P Down arrow (on the stage). 7. Press and hold the Service Button inside the cabinet. While holding both the button and the 1P down arrow on the stage, press the green 1P Start button on the outside of the cabinet. 8. The screen will now display the "SECRET" screen, with an item labeled "APPEND". 9. Select "APPEND". The screen will now display the password input screen. 10. Enter the desired password. Use: 1P Left/Right buttons (on the cabinet) to move the cursor, 1P Start button (on the cabinet) to change the letter at the cursor, and 1P Start button while holding 1P Left/Right buttons to finish. 11. The screen will display either "REGISTRATION" or "PASSWORD ERROR", then return to the SECRET screen. The former means the items have been successfully unlocked. The latter is an error message displayed when an incorrect password has been entered; re-select "APPEND" and enter the correct password. 12. Select "EXIT" to return to the main TEST MODE screen.
Here are the passwords: ----------------------- 4th Mix: R6HGS4T-81XEB5I (October 19th rescindment) 191 IF YOU WERE HERO (B4 ZA BEAT MIX) Euro & Rave & Speed 192 DAM DARIRAN (KCP MIX) Euro & Rave & Speed 193 HERO (Hg MIX) Euro & Rave & Speed 199 Never let you down Konami Original Side A
M67BKPT-YLPNS8N (November 1st rescindment) 196 .59 Konami Original Side B 198 Era (nostaLmix) Konami Original Side B 200 Make Your Move Konami Original Side A 201 Don't stop! (AMD 2nd MIX) Konami Original Side A
OGLAPLT-JC2LO8I (November 18th rescindment) 194 Let's talk it over Konami Original Side A 195 LEADING CYBER Konami Original Side B 197 Holic Konami Original Side B 202 Get me in your sight Konami Original Side B
5th Mix: FQEOVXT-KCURWWJ (unlocks Absolute, Abyss, DXY!, Electro Tuned, I Was The One, Mr. T, Radical Faith, Sana Molette Na Ente, The Cube)
6th Mix: PGEKMMN-INGLOMI (unlocks Max300, Candy, and True: Trance Sunrise Mix)
7th Mix: DGMBJCU-YCDPMAS (unlocks items 1-5 only) MCQEMRG-KHVOBWG (unlocks items 1-10 only) BARTYY[space]-PDSHTBH (unlocks items 1-15 only) USGCFHJ-JLBBYXK (unlocks items 1-20 only) IJURVIT-WXFCOJW (unlocks items 1-25 only) JCYWEKJ-DZJNBGF (unlocks ALL items: 1-31)
8th Mix (DDR Extreme): JLEDKZT - KOZGDJJ (unlocks items 1-6 only) UBNRXAO-UJGPQQI (unlocks items 1-9 only) PVAGUPM-UALPOEZ (unlocks items 1-15 only) RVNYIXO-YKAWEM_ (unlocks items 1-18 only) the last character is just a *blank* SQFRXYY-JSBERAH (unlocks items 1-24 only) JHEDXF_-ALZSMSH (unlocks items 1-27 only) the last character is just a *blank* BWUVHBK - KVXFXYA (unlocks items 1-30)
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